Our Clients and Partners
Local councils in the United Kingdom, including
- Argyll and Bute Council
- Birmingham City Council
- Calderdale Borough Council
- Cumbria County Council
- Derbyshire County Council
- Dorsetshire County Council
- Durham County Council
- Isle of Angelsey County Council
- Kent County Council
- Leicester Council
- London Borough of Camden
- London Borough of Lambeth
- London Borough of Newham
- Midlothian Council
- Powys County Council
- Sandwell Council
- Solihull Council
- Stockport Council
- Surrey County Council
- Vale of Glamorgan Council
- Walsall Council
- Warwickshire County Council
- Welsh Local Government Association
Central government agencies in the United Kingdom, including
- Cabinet Office
- Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (now DLUHC)
- National Audit Office
- Ministry of Justice
- NHS England
Other organisations in the United Kingdom, including
- Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership
- ADSS Cymru (Association of Directors of Social Services, Wales)
- Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust
- Carnegie Foundation
- Health and Social Care, Northern Ireland
- Health and Social Care Partnership, Dumfries and Galloway
- Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA)
- Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust, Essex
- Scottish Government (Joint Improvement Team)
- Society of Evidence-Based Policing
- Strathclyde Police
- Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA)
- West Midlands Mental Health Provider Collaborative (Reach Out)
- Welsh Government (Social Research)
International organisations, including
- Council of Europe
- EU Commission
- European Parliament
- OECD (GOV) - Directorate for Public Governance
- SIGMA (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management) - a joint initiative of the OECD and the European Union
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
International public service organisations, including
- Agentur für Arbeit Stuttgart
- Austrian Chancellery
- Bertelsmann Foundation, Germany
- Baar Council, Switzerland
- German Institute of Urban Affairs (DIFU)
- City of Barcelona, Spain
- City of Konstanz, Germany
- City of Mannheim, Germany
- City of Munich, Germany
- Offenbach Employment Agency (MainArbeit), Germany
- Dutch Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations
- Finnish Ministry of Finance
- French Ministry of Finance and Public Service
- Lahn-Dill-Kreis Job Centre, Germany
- Indonesian Institute for Public Administration
- Italian Ministry for Public Administration and Innovation
- Regional Government of Molise, Italy
- Spanish Agency for Evaluation and Quality (Aveal)