About Governance International

Governance International is strongly committed to evidence-informed solutions. Our internationally renowned team provides high-quality impactful research, accredited and non-accredited training, skilful facilitation, tested improvement frameworks and tools, and top-class opportunities for peer learning with colleagues around the world to transform public services and public outcomes based on international good practice.

Governance International was founded in 2002 and is registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee No. 04488214 with Companies House for England & Wales. We are a nonprofit organisation based in the UK, operating in the UK and internationally.

Why work with us?

Our Team provide clients and partners with:

  1. Rigorous and pathbreaking research to improve public governance and management, which is widely cited in the international literature
  2. Carefully tailored training for staff, decision makers and other stakeholders (such as service users) at all levels in public service organisations and partnerships
  3. Long-standing experience of working with local government, central government departments and agencies, third sector organisations and local communities, as demonstrated by our track record and testimonials of clients.
  4. A multi-national and multi-lingual team from practice and academia.
  5. Use of interactive and creative Continuous Professional Development and Learning methods which are fun and enable people to learn from each other.
  6. A global network of innovation champions and critical friends to provide fresh ideas and peer support.

How we work with you

We will work with your organisation and local communities based on co-production principles. This means that we will work together in a collaborative way, making full use of everybody’s experience, skills and knowledge to achieve better outcomes and more efficient services. We are committed to delivering high quality work in conformance with good governance principles. These include:

  • Engagement – bringing in all relevant people and organisations, so that we have all relevant information and people necessary to make change happen
  • Collaboration – harnessing everyone’s strengths, talents and enthusiasm to create better outcomes
  • Equality – ensuring that all participants in our projects have an equal opportunity to be heard and to contribute to decisions that affect their lives. 
  • Sustainability – creating improvements to public services and outcomes which will endure and trigger further positive changes
  • Quality – ensuring that all activities reach the standard to achieve the desired results