Outcomes-Based Commissioning Training

Are you a commissioner grappling with growing service demand or facing the next round of budget cuts? Or have you simply come to the conclusion that there is a need to commission public services differently but you are still not quite sure how? Learn in our outcome-based commissioning training workshop how to use the Governance International Public Value Model to improve public value.
This highly interactive and evidence-informed training programme provides you with an innovative framework and smart ways of achieving better public value through:
Understanding how the Governance International Public Value model supports demand management
Agreeing, prioritising and assessing outcomes
Integrating services through collaboration and partnership with providers and other commissioners
Co-producing with your service users and their communities
Developing innovative approaches to market development and management
Joining up your commissioning, procurement, contracting – and decommissioning
Putting it all together – leading and organising your strategic commissioning approach
“Kent County Council and its partners have been making major strides in our approach to strategic commissioning. Tony Bovaird of Governance International has provided highly valuable guidance in this process, working both with all elected members and with key officers in the authority. This has helped elected members to make a greater contribution to the strategic commissioning process in the authority and to build up closer working relationships with officers. It has also helped us to see how to embed co-production with services users and citizens more closely within our commissioning.”
Cllr Eric Hotson, Chair, Commissioning Advisory Board, Kent County Council
Contact Us
Do you want to discuss a project with us? You can start our conversation by contacting tony.bovaird@govint.org or by filling out a short contact form.