Current and recent projects

Have a look at how we work with our clients and partners on projects to improve public quality-of-life outcomes, increase efficiency savings and implement good governance principles. 

NILGA Leadership Programme for Elected Members

Governance International has been delivering the NILGA Leadership Programme for Elected Members since 2021, working in partnership with the Northern Ireland Local Government Association. The programme is accredited by the CPD Standards Office. It provides local councillors in Northern Ireland with the opportunity to develop and improve their strategic knowledge, leadership skills and decision-making capabilities, and to enhance their corporate role and “personal brand”, so that they can act as effective community champions and change agents on behalf of their local areas.

Co-production of Short Breaks for Children and Young People in Surrey

Governance International is supporting Surrey County Council and its partners in its review of the Short Breaks programme for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). In particular, Governance International is supporting Surrey CC and its partners to strengthen the co-production element in each of the improvement projects undertaken as a part of this review and is helping the project to co-design and implement a monitoring and evaluation system which will track the level of success of the projects. 

Improving food and drink for and with patients in Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust (PAHT), Harlow, Essex

Governance International worked with a team of PAHT hospital staff and the hospital’s independent Patient Panel to review the Nutrition and Hydration strategy of the hospital and propose six new co-production approaches which could help to improve the outcomes for patients. Some of these co-production initiatives have already been implemented, while others are under consideration. Read our report for more information.

Improving outcomes for unpaid carers in Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust (PAHT), Harlow, Essex

Governance International worked with a team of PAHT hospital staff and the hospital’s independent Patient Panel to develop a range of options through which the quality-of-life outcomes of unpaid carers and the people for whom they care could be co-produced. It is intended to include these options in the negotiation of the new contract which the hospital is developing with the nonprofit association representing unpaid carers in West Essex. 

Mapping SEND Co-production in Birmingham: The Current State of Play

This project provided a map for the period 2021-22 of the range of current and recent co-production activities in Birmingham relevant to children and young people (0–25 years) with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families. It responded to the SEND Inspection revisit in May 2021, in which Ofsted and CQC inspectors determined that insufficient progress had been made in addressing its previous criticisms of co-production and parental engagement. 

Our project report, Mapping SEND Co-production in Birmingham, showed that there are already many co-production initiatives being undertaken within the SEND community in Birmingham, most of which appear well-regarded by those involved – specifically,  it reported on 48 co-production initiatives in Birmingham; 8 of which were mainly in health, 8 mainly in social care and 7 mainly in education. The remaining initiatives were cross-sector.  These examples are highly revealing and are likely to be significant for determining future priorities. Moreover, very few interviewees doubted the importance of co-production playing a greater role in the future.

The Future of SEND Co-production in Birmingham: Mapping the Options

This project followed on in 2022 from the previous project in Birmingham, which had concluded that, if co-production is to play a much larger role in improving public services and transforming the quality-of-life outcomes experienced by children and young people with SEND, and their families, these initiatives need to be deepened and widened, and further co-production initiatives need to be considered. 

The project report sets out a range of options for future SEND co-production in Birmingham which public service organisations could use to achieve this transformation to a genuine co-production way of working. While many of these options

require long-term systemic and cultural change and will be hard to implement, many could be quickly tested within Education, Health and Social Care sectors and, where they prove to be effective, could be quickly embedded within the day-to-day practices of local public services. The report emphasised that both sets of options need to be considered in the development of the SEND strategy in Birmingham. 

Reach Out: Collaborative Programme for Adult Secure Care in West Midlands 

Governance International has been commissioned by the Reach Out Collaborative Programme to roll out the Co-Production Star Action Learning Programme for all providers involved in adult secure care in the West Midlands. This interactive training programme marks a new phase in the co-production journey of the Reach-Out Programme with a focus on testing innovative co-production approaches, starting with co-commissioning.                         

Masterclasses on User and Community Co-production for Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland

Governance International is providing a programme of masterclasses on user and community co-production in health and social care on behalf of Health and Social Care Northern Ireland. These Masterclasses will support HSCNI staff, partner organisations/agencies and individuals to develop and take forward innovative co-production approaches for the improvement of key public outcomes. They enable participants to identify the core elements of co-production and why it has become centrally important to health and social care services, helping participants to highlight the priority areas for developing and extending the HSCNI approach to co-production. 

A Vision for Weymouth Harbour and Peninsula, Dorsetshire

Governance International was commissioned by Dorset Council to provide a report setting out a number of options for the short-term, medium-term and long-term development of Weymouth Harbour and peninsula, a major employment and tourist facility on the south coast of England. Taken together, it is intended that the options selected by the Council will provide a vision for the future of the Harbour and the peninsula, as part of the vision for the development of Weymouth as a whole.

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