The Governance International 5 Step Model for Public Service Transformation
Step 5: Grow it!
Once you have got co-production working in the first wave, in services and places that are ‘up for it’, Step 5 is designed to help you roll it out and to strengthen it in more services and in wider areas. The starting point is to take stock and assess what has worked and what hasn’t. Our 360 degree service review, enables you to involve service users and staff in a systematic review of how co-production has affected your outcomes and to check that you have the right performance management and HRM system in place to make sure co-production is sustainable.
Co-production Roadshows, highlighting the best of these successful initiatives, can attract more managers, frontline staff and users to join in. These Roadshows should take place in locations which are popular and relevant to your local community – not necessarily where events have traditionally taken place “fish where the fish are, not in the pool beside you”. They should allow you to set up peer-to-peer support networks among service professionals, councilors and citizens.