Outcome-based commissioning training
Our outcome-based commissioning training workshops provide you with strategies to embed co-production in commissioning to achieve better public value.
The Governance International outcome-based commissioning training can be booked as a stand-alone inhouse workshop or a series of developmental workshops to support the transformation of commissioning of public service organisations and partnerships.
Description of the outcome-based commissioning training programme
This training programme aims at commissioners, local councillors and service managers working in local government, the NHS, the police and other public services. It is designed to enable delegates to make effective use of co-production approaches in commissioning in their organisation or partnership in order to achieve better public value based on our Public Value Model.
The trainers Tony Bovaird and Elke Loeffler are internationally recognised experts on commissioning and co-production. They will be highly interactive and provide delegates with inspiring Governance International case studies, evidence based on cutting-edge academic research and hands-on tools and approaches to change commissioning practices in their organisation.
This CPD accredited in-house training programme will show you the route to excellence:
- How to increase public value for service users, local communities and the local economy
- How to identify needs and prioritise outcomes
- How to embed user and community co-production in commissioning
- How to lead outcome-based commissioning
- How to design an action plan for your organisation to achieve better public value through outcome-based commissioning.
We offer this step-by-step training programme in different formats. Get in touch with us so that we can co-design the training programme with you to tailor it to the needs of your organisation.
Why not book our one day outcome-based commissioning training course to get started? We’ll give you a 25% discount if you book and pay before 31 March 2018.
What our clients have said:
“Kent County Council and its partners have been making major strides in our approach to strategic commissioning. Tony Bovaird of Governance International has provided highly valuable guidance in this process, working both with all elected members and with key of cers in the authority. This has helped elected members to make a greater contribution to the stra- tegic commissioning process in the authority and to build up closer working relationships with of cers. It has also helped us to see how to embed co-production with services users and citizens more closely within our commissioning.”
Cllr Eric Hotson
Chair, Commissioning Advisory Board, Kent County Council
“We have very much bene ted from the Co-Production Star Training Workshop delivered by Governance Interna- tional for Sandwell MBC in September 2016. The training by Elke Loef er and Tony Bovaird was very informative and their facilitation very interactive. We also received very positive feedback from other commissioners and service managers working in communities and adult social care. I highly recommend this introduction to co-pro- duction and outcomes-based commissioning to other commissioners.”
Nick Garratt
Commissioning Manager, Sandwell MBC
Outcome-Based Commissioning Training Workshop
9:00 – 9:30
Introduction, poster session and ice-breaker
Facilitated by Tony Bovaird, Governance International
9:30 – 10:15
What is outcome-based commissioning and how does it add public value?
Presentation and group work facilitation by Tony Bovaird, Governance International
10:15 – 11:00
What are outcomes – and how can they be assessed?
Presentation and case studies (with group work)
Elke Loeffler, Governance International
11:00 – 11:30
11:30 – 13:00
Pathways to outcomes – How to achieve better public value through outcome-based commissioning
Presentation, group work and plenary discussion
Facilitation by Tony Bovaird, Governance International
13:00 – 13:45
Lunch and networking
13:45 – 14:45
Managing service providers – procurement, contracting, partnership working and decommissioning
Presentation and group work
Facilitation by Tony Bovaird, Governance International
14:45 – 15:45
Bringing stakeholders into commissioning to achieve better priority outcomes – co-production with service users and communities
Presentation, case studies and group work
Facilitation by Elke Loeffler, Governance International
15:45 – 16:00
16:00 – 16:30
Organisational action planning: collaborative leadership and intelligent commissioning – getting the right staff, competencies, skills, structures and networks
Group discussion, reflecting on lessons learnt and how to turn them into action
Facilitation by Tony Bovaird, Governance International
16:30 – 17:00
Personal action planning: your next steps in commissioning outcomes in your organisation and local communities
Individual work, group discussion and plenary discussion
Facilitation by Tony Bovaird and Elke Loeffler, Governance International
Evaluation of the workshop
Contact us
Get in touch with tony.bovaird@govint.org to discuss how we can design and deliver an outcome-based commissioning training programme for your organisation or partnership.
Governance International
Ground Floor, 1 Victoria Square
Birmingham B1 1BD, UK
Web: www.govint.org
Twitter: @govint_org
Phone: (0044) (0)121 698 8743
Mobile: (0044) (0)750 236 6702
Incorporated in England and Wales as Company Limited by Guarantee No. 04488214. Governance International is a registered trademark in the European Union.