The Future of SEND Co-production in Birmingham: Mapping the Options
If co-production is to play a much larger role in improving public services and transforming the quality-of-life outcomes experienced by children and young people with SEND, and their families, these initiatives need to be deepened and widened, and further co-production initiatives need to be considered. The personalisation of services must be transformed into processes which support the active contributions of children, young people and families to be drivers of outcome improvement, not just add-ons.
In this report we set out a range of options for future SEND co-production in Birmingham which public service organisations can use to achieve this trans- formation to a genuine co-production way of working. Many of these options require long-term systemic and cultural change and will be hard to implement. The development of the SEND strategy in Birmingham will consider how these longer-term options can be prioritised.
However, many of the options in this report could be quickly tested within Education, Health and Social Care sectors and, where they prove to be effective, could be quickly embedded within the day-to-day practices of local public services.
Cite as: Bovaird, Tony and McCaffery, Maria (2022), The Future of SEND Co-production in Birmingham: Mapping the Options. Birmingham: Birmingham City Council, NHS, Birmingham Children's Trust, Birmingham Parent Carer Forum.