Outcome-based commissioning: Four pathways to achieving public value

Outcome-based commissioning: Four pathways to achieving public value

Tony Bovaird and Elke Loeffler

While commissioning is often understood as externalisation or outsourcing, this chapter uses a wider definition of ‘commissioning’, including all options for public sector interventions which might serve to improve publicly-desired outcomes. In particular, this chapter focusses on four different commissioning models, including one-to-one commissioner–provider relationships, single commissioner outsourcing to a partnership of providers, joint commissioning of a single provider and joint commissioning of a partnership of providers and discusses to what extent these models are likely to improve public value.

Cite as: Bovaird, Tony and Loeffler, Elke (2019), Outcome-based commissioning: Four pathways to achieving public value, in: Kekez, Anka; Howlett, Michael and Ramesh, M (eds.), Collaboration in Public Service Delivery. Promise and Pitfalls, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA, pp.183-202.

Download the chapter in the open access book: https://www.elgaronline.com/downloadpdf/edcoll/9781788978576/9781788978576.00021.pdf
