Managing the COVID-19 pandemic: from a hospital-centred model of care to a community co-production approach
This discussion paper compares strategies used in the regions of Lombardy and Veneto to address the COVID-19 crisis: Whereas the approach identified in Veneto covered community- and home-based assistance the healthcare strategy in Lombardy focussed exclusively on hospitals. Evidence showed that the Veneto approach was much more effective. The authors suggest building on the Veneto approach and going a step further, moving toward community co-production by adopting a wider set of community-based interventions, involving many public services, not just healthcare.
Cite as: Cepiku, Denita; Giordano, Filippo; Bovaird Tony and Loeffler Elke (2020), Managing the COVID-19 pandemic: from a hospital-centred model of care to a community co-production approach, Public Money and Management, 41,1, 77-80.
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