Communities co-producing new solutions to meet Covid-19 challenges through a hackathon in Germany

Communities co-producing new solutions to meet Covid-19 challenges through a hackathon in Germany

Elke Loeffler and Claudia Masiga

The “WirVersusVirus” hackathon was a large-scale event in 2021, which was supported by the German government and involved professionals and citizens co-designing new solutions to meet Covid-19 challenges. This case study shows how the “WirVersusVirus” hackathon put co-production into practice, based on the project OpenFoodBank, which was one of the most successful co-production initiatives resulting from the German hackathon.

Cite as: Elke Loeffler and Claudia Masiga (2021), Communities co-producing new solutions to meet Covid-19 challenges through a hackathon in Germany, in: Peter Beresford (ed.), Covid-19 and Co-Production in Health and Social Care Research. Policy and Practice, Policy Press, Bristol, 57-65.

