Co-production of Health and Wellbeing in Scotland

Co-production of Health and Wellbeing in Scotland

Elke Loeffler, Tony Bovaird, Gerry Power and Frankie Hine-Hughes

This book describes the concepts of co-production and the assets-based approach and then locates these within the wider strategic context in Scotland. Importantly, it demonstrates how the practical application of these approaches delivers value for individuals in maximising their independence and wellbeing.

With a foreword by the Chief Executive of NHS Scotland and the Chief Executive of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, the book starts by setting the policy context of co-production in Scottish public services, with particular reference to the work of the Christie Commission and the range of recent asset-based approaches in health. This is followed by a range of detailed co-production case studies from Scotland, such as the Family-Nurse-Partnership and community-based asset work in NW Kilmarnock (and for comparison purposes, two inspiring Swedish case studies, from Highland Hospital, Jönkoping, and the national Esther Network). Several chapters discuss the critical challenges of co-production, e.g. working with people experiencing vulnerabilities and other implementation barriers. A concluding chapter by the Governance International team outlines the five-step approach of the Co-Production Star toolkit and how to apply it in a health and social care context. This book had a massive impact - over 7000 copies were distributed!

Cite as: Loeffler, Elke; Power, Gerry; Bovaird, Tony; and Hine-Hughes, Frankie (eds.) (2013), Co-production of Health and Wellbeing in Scotland. Birmingham: Governance International with the Joint Improvement Team of the Scottish Government.

Download: Co-Production_of_Health_and_Wellbeing_in_Scotland.pdf

