Can democratic renewal help us ‘build back better’ from the COVID-19 crisis? Key recommendations from the Newham Democracy and Civic Participation Commission

Can democratic renewal help us ‘build back better’ from the COVID-19 crisis? Key recommendations from the Newham Democracy and Civic Participation Commission

Elke Loeffler and Nick Pearce

Elke Loeffler was a member of the Newham Democracy Commission which was set up by the Mayor and the Council of Newham in 2019 to examine both the Council’s current directly elected Mayor system of governance and the alternative approaches that exist in English local government. It was tasked with making recommendations on the best system of governance for Newham’s future, and exploring ways in which local residents could become more engaged and more fully involved in local decision-making and the Council’s work.

The Commission was led by Professor Nick Pearce. This blog summarises the key elements of the ‘Newham Model’ based on extensive evidence gathering between November 2019 and February 2020.

Cite as: Loeffler, Elke and Pearce, Nick (2020), Can democratic renewal help us ‘build back better’ from the COVID-19 crisis? Key recommendations from the Newham Democracy and Civic Participation Commission. Blog for the INLOGOV Blog Webpage at the University of Birmingham,

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