Bringing the power of the citizen into local public services – An evidence review

Bringing the power of the citizen into local public services – An evidence review

Tony Bovaird und Elke Loeffler

In this Briefing Note, commissioned by the Welsh government, the key issues were twofold: first, to characterise the approaches used by local authorities and other organisations with responsibilities for local public services to bring the power of citizens and communities into the commissioning and delivery of services, both within the UK and further afield; and second, to focus on the contexts in which these approaches appear to have worked and what aspects of them are potentially applicable in Wales. We therefore investigated the evidence on how citizens already contribute – and might in future contribute even more – to co-commissioning, co-designing, co-delivering and co-assessing public services and the outcomes which the public sector seeks to achieve. The evidence review focussed on the following issues:

  • What is ‘co-production’?
  • In which contexts do co-production approaches appear to have worked?
  • How to achieve more commitment of local authorities to co-production?
  • How to achieve direct involvement of communities in co-production?
  • How to make ‘co-production’ approaches work?

Cite as: Tony Bovaird und Elke Loeffler (2014), Bringing the power of the citizen into local public services – An evidence review. Research Report 110/2014. Cardiff: Welsh Government. 



