An Inspector Calls: Citizen-Led Service Inspection by West Lothian Council

This case study was written by Rebecca Kelly (2012).


In 2011 West Lothian Council (a local authority close to Edinburgh, with about 170,000 inhabitants) initiated citizen-led inspections as a new form of engagement that empowers local people to inspect and improve public services.  Citizen inspectors evaluate the way services are delivered and assess whether they achieve the expected outcomes. In particular, they provide feedback to the local council on how public services can be improved.   The key success of the process has been service improvements that are driven and designed by customers.


The project aims to achieve three primary outcomes:

  • better designed services that meet customer needs and preferences;
  • community inclusion;
  • and a greater level of co-production between the council and the people living in West Lothian. 

The initiative was launched because the Chief Executive championed it as a way to strengthen customer focus throughout the organisation and as a practical mechanism to involve customers in review and redesign of services.

West Lothian Council has a strong sense of the community in which it operates and has developed multiple and varied forms of consultation and engagement over the years. It has also been striving to find new ways to engage citizens in the process of delivering and improving services.   Since 2005, West Lothian Council has collected survey data (as part of a standardised approach across all services) on customer satisfaction levels with council services, in particular related to the quality, choice and accessibility of service provision.  This type of data has been valuable as a useful indicator of the local council’s ability to meet the basic needs of customers. However, its use was limited because it restricted customer involvement to commenting on and providing feedback on services received.  The council wanted a more involved form of engagement, where the customers actually directed improvement activity. 

In 2011 the council reviewed the corporate approach to community engagement as part of the development of a new Improvement Strategy, and as part of its overall strategy to be a progressive and inclusive council.  This identified the customer-led inspection (CLI) process as a new engagement method, involving customers in challenging and reviewing services.

The aim was to complete two citizen-led inspections in the summer of 2011 that would:

  1. give citizens a voice in the shaping and prioritisation of services;
  2. inspire confidence in the community that West Lothian Council operates openly and transparently and is accountable for the services delivered and the use of resources;
  3. manage the organisation’s reputation in the local community by engaging directly with citizens and involving them in improving services;
  4. establish a two-way dialogue that will assist the building of a stronger, mutually beneficial working relationship between the council and the community forming a model that could be replicated across all service areas;
  5. ensure priorities and decisions are driven by customer needs through a forum for the decision makers to hear alternative viewpoints.

Leadership and change management

The CLI end-to-end process is outlined below:

All but the first (“team selection”) and last two (“report and plan published” and “6-12 month review”) boxes in the process are completed by the team, working within the 6-day timescale projected for the CLI process. The “team selection” and “report and plan published” activities are the responsibility of West Lothian Council.

West Lothian Council set up a project team of 2 members, led by a Depute Chief Executive as the project sponsor, each working part-time on the process.  Because it was delivered within existing resource, the two project team members were selected for their knowledge of this type of activity (one in customer participation, one in quality assurance), as opposed to bringing in dedicated resource.  It is anticipated that, as the project matures, the inspection team will increase their control and autonomy, with a corresponding reduction in the council resource required to deliver inspection activity.  At present each inspection requires around 8-10 FTE days from council staff.  This includes recruiting, training and supporting the team.

It was clear to the project team that the process had to be robust and challenging, but also accessible and understandable for the citizen inspectors. Furthermore, the project team had to ensure that it could be replicated across the authority.  In particular, if public money was to be used to implement improvements from the inspection recommendations then it was important to ensure they were structured and based on facts. The project team developed a robust inspection process with a comprehensive inspector’s toolkit of materials, including the creation of an inspection framework, adapted from the EFQM Excellence model. This involved a 5-point rating system (1 unsatisfactory, 2 weak, 3 adequate, 4 good and 5 excellent). Citizen-led inspections were also capped at 6 days (not including training) to make it more convenient for the citizens and minimise any negative impact on service delivery.  For each inspection, timescales are agreed between the service and the inspection team to identify the best dates and times for both parties.

Furthermore, the team at West Lothian Council created a bespoke 2-day training course to provide citizen inspectors with the skills, knowledge and capabilities to carry out the inspection and reporting activity effectively and the confidence to critically evaluate services. The training was designed to be engaging and participative, and focused on providing the inspectors with an understanding of the council; and knowledge of the inspection process, framework and scoring, report writing and how to deliver feedback. It also explained the inspection techniques available to them, such as interviewing; shadowing; mystery shopping; desk top audits; surveys and focus groups and site visits. 

At the early stages of the development of the CLIs, it was important that the areas to be inspected captured the public interest.  Therefore, following a difficult winter period and a challenging school placement process in 2010, winter maintenance and pupil placement were selected as the first inspections.

The council was keen for inspectors to come from a representative sample of people from the community. As a result, it launched a multi-media information and recruitment campaign. This involved:

  • the creation of CLI pages on the council website;
  • articles in the local media and council newsletters;
  • Twitter and Facebook updates; direct mailings and emails to participants in existing forums and community groups, including the parent councils, tenants groups, older and younger people forums and the disability and race forums.

Interest built as information was cascaded through the different media.  There was a high volume of telephone and email enquiries and an open evening was held. The intention was to raise awareness across the community but it was recognised that the initiative should start from a low base to build experience and knowledge of the process, on the part of both the inspectors and the council. The recruitment generated 35 notes of interest/applications, from which 15 were placed on a Register of Interest.  From the Register, 8 people were trained, making 2 inspection teams of 4 people.  These 8 people ranged in age fromearly 30s to early 60s, with three-quarters being female.  There were representatives from 4 different towns in West Lothian, with 5 inspectors coming from Livingston, the largest settlement.  For future inspections, the council aims to ensure balanced representation on the Citizen Inspection register and particularly hopes to ensure more involvement from young people through greater engagement with the Youth Congress in West Lothian.

The citizen inspectors are volunteers, receiving no payment and are only compensated for out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel costs. 

The winter maintenance and pupil placement services were fully engaged in the development of the process and welcomed the inspectors, giving them full access to any information, staff or sites that were requested. This open acceptance was in large part due to West Lothian Council’s strong culture of self-assessment and mature, honest critical evaluation of practice and performance.  

The two inspection teams completed their inspections in June and July 2011.  Across the inspection process the teams reviewed hundreds of pieces of information, interviewed Deputy Chief Executives, managers, staff, partners and customers, conducted on site visits and carried out research and online mystery shopping. The teams each produced a feedback report that critically evaluated the services, providing challenging scores and recommendations for future improvement. These reports have since been used to create improvement actions that make significant changes to service provision. 

Improvements to winter maintenance include increasing salt storage, developing new gritting routes with greater clarity on prioritisation of routes and developing a more effective communication strategy for periods of severe weather.

The pupil placement process will in future involve a simplified pre-school admission policy and guidelines, improved quality of information provided to customers, strengthened links with the council’s contact centre and newly-developed customer satisfaction performance indicators (as the inspectors felt there was a lack of cost/efficiency performance indicators that were meaningful to customers, in terms of demonstrating that the service provides value for money).


The key successes of this process have been the improvements being developed by services, driven by the feedback of customers.   This kind of participation and co-production with the local community usually comes only as a result of expensive, high volume, repeated interfaces through a myriad of engagement exercises.  By investing in citizens, the council is building capacity in people that it will continue to nurture and engage in future council improvement processes.

The process also means that council officers are gaining valuable insights about community needs and preferences that bring about positive changes in the planning, prioritisation and improvement of services.    Detailed responses from the community are being used to develop customer-led improvements, saving time and costs of consultation and, crucially, getting it right first time with meaningful improvements for the customer. The two inspection processes undertaken to date have been responsible for the direction of tens of thousands of pounds of investment in service improvement and staff development.  Following the success in winter maintenance and pupil placement, the council is now expanding the process into a rolling inspection programme that will be targeted at services with the greatest impact on the people living in West Lothian.

One of the most positive indicators of success has been the positive reaction of the services, the elected members and the citizen inspectors.  Some of the feedback comments from inspectors include:

“I would like to thank the council for the opportunity to be involved in a very interesting exercise and to especially thank Andy, his team and the rest of the council staff who met with us for their honesty and being so giving of their time.”

“I enjoyed the experience, including the opportunity to meet and work with a nice group of people.  I look forward to participating in a similar exercise again at some point in the future.”

“Thank you for the opportunity and please keep me on the list to get involved another time. “

Success indicators

The Citizens-Led Inspections initiative won the 2011 ‘One to Watch’ category at COSLA (the Council of Scottish Local Authorities), because of the approach and its potential impact.  It is too early to tell about its impact, as there is not yet a full year of data yet to compare the pre- and post-inspection results.

Costs and savings

The cost of the process to the council is largely officers’ time – both those participating in the review and those supporting the team – with a small expenditure on course materials, again developed internally at minimal cost.   

The process was developed and officer support provided using existing resources; with one officer experienced in customer engagement activity (tenant participation) and a quality and performance officer practised in quality frameworks and external inspection.   Beyond the training, the role of the two officers was limited and the main function was to act as a conduit for access to the council’s services, staff and systems.  It is too early to tell if the approach has resulted in a reduced need for internal audit, but Audit Scotland has asked for information about the project as part of the Council’s annual risk assessment.

With minimal costs, the process represents value for money.  Not only does it free up staff time from leading review activity, but it is building capacity in the community, equipping customers with detailed knowledge and experience of the council, representing a valuable resource.  The council now has a small team of fully trained, experienced lay inspectors that could be used for other consultation and process review activities.

Learning points

An open recruitment process was held, with the hope of engaging as wide a range of people as possible, potentially capturing people who had never chosen to participate or those who may have felt excluded in the past.  This was successfully achieved.

However, the council also directly promoted this pilot to established networks and community groups in order to encourage potential ‘expert’ customers as well.

The inspectors involved in the first two inspections are now on a register (along with the other applicants who were not selected for the pilot) and will be able to volunteer for future inspections.  The intention is that a programme/calendar of inspections will be circulated to inspectors on the register on an annual basis and they will indicate areas of interest.  The teams will be selected based on this feedback, again focusing on ensuring that it is representative, but also that there is a mix of new and experienced inspectors.

Further information

Project webpage: The Citizen-Led Inspection Programme (CLI)

The Project won the One to Watch Award of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities Gold Award Winners in 2012.

Main Contact

Katherine McLaughlin

Quality Development Officer
Quality and Performance Team
West Lothian Council
