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Digital inclusion: How Age UK Camden helps older people to connect


The impacts of the computer training programme vary on an individual basis, and often depend upon an individual’s motive for participating. This can range from a person being able to email and stay in-touch with their family; to another who is delighted that there new skills mean they can make a complaint about council services online.

The experience of users of this service: Here is an example of the impact that the computer training course has for elderly people: “I had never used a computer, and I wanted to learn so as to be able to buy online tickets for railways at cheaper prices, also for general bills and information. I also wanted to know how to use email. The course has given me the confidence to use computers and other new technology. My overall experience was positive, I got everything I wanted out of the course and more” - Joyce
The benefits volunteers accrue: “Nine years ago I retired having run my own business for 15 years. When I did so I decided to offer my skills to various charities. I volunteer as an IT tutor at Age UK Camden to keep me active both physically and mentally. I also wish to put something back into the community and use my skills for the benefit of others. I meet a wide range of people and deal with a wide range of problems or questions from users which I find enjoyable as well as feeling I am doing something worthwhile. It also makes me keep up to date with new ICT issues and enables me to pass on my skills to others.” - Alan

What the training means for Age UK Camden: "We strive to make sure that we are able to save our learners from digital exclusion and isolation. We teach our learners how to make the best use of internet so that they are able to access public services, find information on almost any subject – internet shopping, booking travel and staying in touch with family and friends. Using email to keep in touch with family, friends and colleagues and word processing for creative purposes like typing letters and creating documents."

What Camden Council think of the service: There is a good partnership working between Camden Council and Age UK Camden to recruit learners and plan provision. Our learners are a fair representation of target groups in terms of  age, gender and skill level. Learners have reported that the training is very effective  in meeting their needs and helping them overcome their fears about attending a computer class.

About this case study
Main Contact

Tony Brown
Computer Training Coordinator

020 7239 0400


Frankie Hine-Hughes wrote this case study for Governance International on 29 March 2013.

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