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“Citizen bus around citizens” in rural Brieselang


To implement their ideas, a new transport co-delivery scheme with volunteers had to be developed. It was quickly obvious that this would also require the foundation of an community association (in German law „eingetragener Verein“).

The citizens involved therefore had to gear up on the legal issues related to founding a new association, the tax implications, etc. The objectives of the association CitizenBus Brieseland (BürgerBus Brieselang e.V.) were defined as follows:

  • To promote mobility
  • To improve access to public facilities
  • To complement the offer of public transport
  • To connect local areas better with each other
  • To get citizens to deliver services for each other
About this case study
Main Contact

Günter Lüder
Managing Director of BürgerBus Brieseland e.V.


Klaus Werth
Founding Member of BürgerBus Brieseland e.V.


Günter Lüder

Klaus Werth

Günter Lüder and Klaus Werth provided Governance International with this case study on 3 September 2010.

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