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“Citizen bus around citizens” in rural Brieselang

Costs and savings

The average operating costs of the citizen bus is about €13,000 per year. About €3,600 can be covered by from ticket sales. The remaining costs are shared by the district authority and the local council.

A bus ticket costs €1.10 for the first 3 km, €1.40 Euro for longer journeys within the local area – once passengers buy a ticket for journeys that go outside the local area but remain inside the region-wide transport system of Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB) (including the whole of the city of Berlin), this costs from €2.50 to €2.80. So the local bus service is integrated within the overall capital city transportation system.

The bus drivers are insured through the volunteer insurance policy of the state of Brandenburg.

About this case study
Main Contact

Günter Lüder
Managing Director of BürgerBus Brieseland e.V.


Klaus Werth
Founding Member of BürgerBus Brieseland e.V.


Günter Lüder

Klaus Werth

Günter Lüder and Klaus Werth provided Governance International with this case study on 3 September 2010.

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