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'Adopt a Street' in Offenbach: Turning complainers into co-producers


Offenbach, a city close to Frankfurt with about 120,000 residents, has started turning things around: fed up with the bad press and complaints about the local living environment, the directly elected mayor, Herr Schneider, decided to take action. In 2007 he launched the initiative "better living in Offenbach", in partnership with the local utility company and other public agencies. This also involved a communication campaign to give the signal to citizens "we care but you must do your part as well". As many "before-and-after" photos demonstrate, the living environment in many disadvantaged neighbourhoods has improved significantly due to the involvement of local citizens. Survey data also demonstrate that overall people now feel safer. But without the committment and guidance of the professional local manager, Sabine Sü?mann, these improvements would not have been possible.

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Sabine Süßmann
Project Manager of the utility company Offenbach


Sabine Süßmann


Florian Birk, former Associate of Governance International wrote this case study on 24 September 2010. The case study was updated on 27 February 2013.

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